The Beta channel contains features and updates that have already been polished by Microsoft and is more stable. The Dev channel contains the latest features and updates for Windows 11 but may be more unstable. Here, you can choose either the Windows 11 Insider Preview (Dev Channel) or the Windows 11 Insider Preview (Beta Channel). Click the drop-down menu for Select edition.
Scroll down to the Select edition section. Browse to the Windows Insider Preview Downloads page and sign in with the Microsoft account you used for the Insider program. Your next step is to download the actual ISO file. At the next page, click the Flight now button to learn more about the Insider program. Open the Windows Insider page and sign in with the Microsoft account you wish to use.Īt the registration page, check the box to accept the terms of this agreement and click Register now.
To join this program, you’ll need to use a Microsoft account. Gaining access to the Windows 11 ISO file requires that you be part of Microsoft’s Windows Insider program, so you’ll have to register for this if you haven’t already done so.